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Nasal clear cell chondrosarcoma in a dog.

Moloney M, Dobromylskyj M, Sanchez-Jimenez C, Defauw P.

Journal of Comparative Pathology 2024; 213: 37-40.

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Splenic Myelolipomas in the Domestic Cat - To Operate or Not to Operate?

*open access*

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Schulman FY, Bertram CA, Meuten DJ, Moore FM, Avallone G, Bartel A, Bolfa P, Camus M, Chambers JK, Dark MJ, Dervisis N, Dobromylskyj MJ, Donovan TA, Foster RA, Krimer PM, Miller A, Milovancev M, Roccabianca P, Selmic LE, Wood GA.

Vet Pathol. 2024 Jan;61(1):157-159. 

Grading Protocol (

Dobromylskyj M.J., Hederer R., and Smith K.C.
Journal of Comparative Pathology, published online

A RP2 student research project in collaboration with the RVC. Using the archives and database of Finn Pathologists to look at what the most commonly diagnosed lumps and bumps are in pet guinea pigs.

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Roberts. E., Dobromylskyj, M.J.
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports

*open access*

A case report in collaboration with clinical colleague Emma Roberts; histopath and IHC on a feline primary hypoadrenocorticism case (about time!) and also a suspected case of multiple endocrine disease - in a cat. 

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Insulin expression in β cells is reduced within islets before islet loss in diabetic cats. 

Bergomi V., Beck S., Dobromylskyj M., Davison L.J., Wills J.W. and Hughes K.J.
Journal of Small Animal Practice

A collaboration with the pathology department, Cambridge Veterinary School, University of Cambridge


Presented as an abstract: Bergomi V, Beck S, Dobromylskyj M, Davison J, Wills J, Hughes K. (2021). Beta Cell Loss of Function Precedes Islet Loss in Diabetic Cats. Clinical Abstracts, oral presentation. BSAVA Virtual Congress 2021.


Funded by a BSAVA Petsavers Grant

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Ocular mycobacterial lesions in cats.

Mitchell J.L., MacDougall L., Dobromylskyj M.J., Smith K., Stavinohova R., Gunn-Moore D.A., Hope J.C. and Surrell E.
Veterinary Pathology 59 (5): 792-805

*open access*

A collaboration with the University of Edinburgh and the Royal Veterinary Collage, as well as multiple laboratories.

RP2 final year research project, RVC

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A comparison of harmonic and traditional sharp staphylectomy techniques in 15 brachycephalic dogs

O GilmanL MoreiraM DobromylskyjI Doran.

Journal of Small Animal Practice ​Sep 30.  Online ahead of print

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Metastatic urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder in a Sumatran tiger. 

van der Weyden L., Tibbs C, Knott C. and Dobromylskyj M
Veterinary Medicine and Science

*open access*

Case report, including in collaboration with The Wellcome Sanger Institute

tiger case report

Skin masses in dogs under one year of age.

Kim D., Smith K.C., O’Neill D. and Dobromylskyj M.J.

Journal of Small Animal Practice.

A RP2 final year research project, Royal Veterinary College

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Necropsy findings in a cat with diabetes mellitus and heart failure

Dobromylskyj M.J. and Little C.J.
J Feline Med Surg Open Reports

*open access*

Case report, in collaboration with Chris Little

DM cardiomyopathy

Gall bladder adenoma in a domestic short hair cat.

Broadbridge C., Taylor S.S., Renfrew H., Gemignani F., Livet V., Vicek T. and Dobromylskyj M.J.
J Feline Med Surg Open Reports

*open access*

Case report in collaboration with colleagues at Finn Pathologists and Lumbry Park, CVS

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A case of an intramural, cavitated feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia of the cranial abdomen in a domestic longhair cat. 

Davidson G.A., Taylor S.S., Dobromylskyj M.J., Gemignani F. and Renfrew H.
J Feline Med Surg Open Reports

*open access*

Case report in collaboration with colleagues at Finn Pathologists and Lumbry Park, CVS

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Prognostic factors and proposed grading scheme for cutaneous and subcutaneous soft tissue sarcomas in cats, based on a retrospective study.

Dobromylskyj M.J., Richards V. and Smith K.C.
J Feline Med Surg. 23(2):168-174

Final year RP2 student project

I'm now working with the Veterinary Cancer Guidelines and Protocol group:

Veterinary Cancer Guidelines and Protocols – Improving care for pets with cancer through standardization of tumor evaluation and reporting (

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Candida parapsilosis complex infection in a cutaneous lesion from a dog: Spotlight on an opportunistic pathogen of potential increasing importance.

Skeldon N., Dobromylskyj M., Fews D. and Hayden W. 

Vet Clin Pathol 49(4):655-659.

Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) for the assessment of myocardial disarray, fibrosis and ventricular mass in a feline model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Novo Matos J., Garcia-Canadilla P., Simcock I.C., Hutchison J.C., Dobromylskyj M., Guy, A., Authurs O.J., Cook A.C., Luis Fuentes V.
Scientific Reports. 19; 10(1): 20169

*open access*

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Intranasal proliferative fibro-osseous dysplasia in a domestic longhair cat.

D'Aout C., Renfrew H., Dobromylskyj M., Bacon N., Herrmann A., Taylor S.S.
Feline Med Surg Open Reports

*free access*

Case report in collaboration with colleagues at Finn Pathologists and Lumbry Park, CVS

A retrospective study of more than 400 feline nasal biopsy samples in the UK (2006-2013). 

Ferguson S., Smith K.C., Welsh C.E., Dobromylskyj M.J.
J Feline Med Surg. 22(8):736-743.

Final year vet student RP2 project, RVC

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Spindle cell sarcomas, suggestive of peripheral nerve sheath tumours, arising in the tongues of two cats.

Dobromylskyj M.J., Martinez F. and Lovell A.
J Feline Med Surg Open Reports

*free access*

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Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in pet cats associated with feeding a commercial raw food diet.

O'Halloran C., Ioannidi O., Reed N., Murtagh K., Dettemering E., Van Poucke S., Gale J., Vickers J., Burr P., Gascoyne-Binzi D., Howe R., Dobromylskyj M., Mitchell J., Hope J., Gunn-Moore D. 
J Feline Med Surg. 21(8):667-681.

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Nonocular Melanocytic Neoplasia in Cats: Characterization and Proposal of a Histologic Classification Scheme to More Accurately Predict Clinical Outcome. 

Pittaway R., Dobromylskyj M.J., Erles K., Pittaway C.E., Suárez-Bonnet A., Chang Y.M., Priestnall S.L.
Vet Pathol. 56(6):868-877.

Cases contributed, co-supervised

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Aelurostrongylosis in a young kitten in the UK.

Dobromylskyj M., Elsheikha H.M., Gunn-Moore D.
The Veterinary Record - letter

From a diagnostic case submitted to me! 



Prognostic significance of histopathology in canine anal sac gland adenocarcinomas: Preliminary results in a retrospective study of 39 cases.

Pradel J., Berlato D., Dobromylskyj M., Rasotto R.
Vet Comp Oncol. 16(4):518-528.

An outbreak of tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis infection in a pack of English Foxhounds (2016-2017). 

O'Halloran C., Hope J.C., Dobromylskyj M., Burr P., McDonald K., Rhodes S., Roberts T., Dampney R., De la Rua-Domenech R., Robinson N., Gunn-Moore D.A.
Transbound Emerg Dis. 2018; 65(6):1872-1884

*free access*

I received the index case as a routine diagnostic case!

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A retrospective study of more than 9,000 feline cutaneous tumours in the United Kingdom

Ho, N.T., Smith K.C. and Dobromylskyj M.J.
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 20(2):128-134

RP2 final year student project, RVC

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Evaluation of minichromosome maintenance protein 7 and c-KIT as prognostic markers in feline cutaneous mast cell tumours.

Dobromylskyj MJ, Rasotto R, Melville K, Smith KC, Berlato D. 

A residency project in collaboration with the AHT and RVC

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