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Dr. Melanie Dobromylskyj qualified from Bristol University in 2004, having also intercalated a BSc in Veterinary Pathology at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) in 2002. Following a small animal internship at the Animal Health Trust, she completed her PhD in bovine molecular immunology at the Institute for Animal Health and the University of Cambridge in 2009, studying the receptors expressed on natural killer cells. She spent a year as a pathology resident at Glasgow University before joining Finn Pathologists in 2012, where she continued her training in conjunction with a part-time residency at the RVC. She became a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2014 and an honorary lecturer in anatomic pathology at the RVC in 2015. In 2016 she became a RCVS-recognised specialist in veterinary pathology (small animals), and in 2020 a Fellow of the RCVS for Meritorious Contributions to Clinical Practice. She works as a diagnostic histopathologist for Finn Pathologists, a large commercial diagnostic laboratory based in the UK, and covers both first opinion and referral practice cases, predominantly canine and feline. She has a particular interest in feline pathology and medicine, immunohistochemistry, and in teaching and research collaborations. 


BSc Vet Path (Hons), BVSc, PhD, FRCPath, FRCVS
RCVS-Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Pathology (Small Animals)
Honorary Lecturer in Anatomic Pathology, Royal Veterinary College

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Informal Biography

I work as a full time diagnostic histopathologist for a large commercial laboratory based in the UK – attempting to combine this with various research projects which utilise our archive of cases – and with a definite feline bias. My ideas for research often arise from the cases I see as part of my routine case-load, and so the findings tend to be directly applicable to real life.


I’m also interested in training and education; everything from undergraduates, to new graduates, vets and nurses in practice through to trainees in specialisms including pathology but also other disciplines.

Outside of Veterinary Pathology

My interests outside of veterinary pathology include:

Being a community school governor

Gardening and various attempts at vegetable growing; bouldering badly (climbing, no ropes)

Gluten free cooking and baking – including developing new recipes

Our animals, including chickens, cats, rats, and our small herd of Golden Guernsey Goats

Our latest addition - bees!! 

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